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Biofarma Group publishes the Sustainability Report 2023

Data: 18_11_2024
Category: Corporate

The Biofarma group's commitment to sustainability and social responsibility, fully integrated into its corporate strategy, continues. Under the sign of its vision which includes a commitment to innovation at the service of personalised and sustainable prevention, in 2023 the group continued to invest in improving its products, innovating and reducing the impact of its production processes in terms of CO2 emissions, energy and water consumption, promoting increasingly sustainable supply chains.

In 2023, Biofarma enlarged the scope of its activities covered by the Sustainability Report, integrating 6 of the Group's 8 plants located in Italy and France. This expansion has provided a broader and more accurate view of the Group's socio-environmental impact, an important step towards the total integration of the perimeter planned for 2025 and the integration of procedures compliant with the most up-to-date European ESG standards.

2023 was a year of in-depth analysis that allowed the group to fine-tune our 2030 Strategic Sustainability Plan. Biofarma identified five priority-impact pillars on which to focus: Energy and Emissions Management through the use of increasingly efficient technologies and greater recourse to renewable sources; Waste and Recyclability Management, by implementing policies for waste reduction, recycling and recovery of process materials, packaging optimisation and staff training; solid Corporate Governance to guarantee transparent, ethical and responsible decision-making processes; continuous Stakeholder Engagement to build relationships based on trust, which respect the principles of well-being, diversity and inclusion; and, finally, Economic Performance guided by a vision of shared value in which business opportunities also serve to satisfy the needs of society.

The five pillars of Biofarma Group Sustainability StrategyOn each strategic axis, the group has set goals and grounded short-, medium- and long-term projects and initiatives: clear targets in line with major international standards, to monitor and improve sustainability performance over time.

“We have a challenging journey ahead of us. It requires foresight and strategic vision, but it inspires us to do more and better.” comments Germano Scarpa, President and CEO of Biofarma Group “ Our Sustainability Report reflects this commitment, the passion we bring to our work and our constant attention to the environment, communities and people."

Energy and emissions management in the foregroud

The effective management of energy and emissions is essential for sustainability and long-term economic growth, which is why Biofarma has defined a very ambitious plan that includes 100% electricity supply from renewable energy sources, the implementation of energy efficiency measures (target -30%) in the Italian and French production plants through the adoption of efficient technologies, consumption monitoring and employee awareness programmes. Also crucial is the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (target -28%) through improved production processes and optimised logistics and, where possible, the adoption of strategies to offset residual emissions through reforestation projects or the purchase of carbon credits.

Energy and emissions management initiatives by Biofarma Group

Waste reduction and recyclability

Efficient waste management not only contributes to the minimisation of materials going to landfill, but also has a direct impact on operational efficiency and corporate reputation. This is why the group is committed to a waste reduction plan (target -30%) through the revision of production processes, optimisation of packaging and employee training. Also fundamental is the recycling and recovery policy (target +30%) through close collaboration with suppliers and partners, the appropriate management of water resources in terms of withdrawal and discharge, and a constant projection towards material innovation through investment in research and development of biodegradable and compostable materials.

Waste management and recyclability initiatives by Biofarma Group

Community at the Heart

Biofarma is deeply committed to supporting and enriching the local communities in which it operates. The company participates in various initiatives to promote social, economic and environmental wellbeing. This includes partnerships with local schools and universities, providing educational resources and scholarships, as well as supporting local health initiatives, strengthening the relationship with the community, ensuring mutual growth and prosperity. Since 2016, the Biofarma Group has also been supporting the Madagascar Project, which was created with the aim of providing the necessary medicines and healthcare to ensure the care and survival of local children and families. Over the years, the project has been structured through the support of two local realities: the Fanday Soa association and the Vezo hospital in Andavadoaka. Furthermore, since 2023 the group has been supporting local populations through the Biofarma for a Smile initiative. This is a corporate volunteering project that allows the active involvement of employees in activities supporting the Vezo hospital (mainly in the production of galenic preparations) and supporting the oral hygiene education project promoted by the Fanday Soa association.

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© Biofarma Srl C.F. and P.IVA 02895910301
T. +39 0432 868711 F. +39 0432 868018
Via Castelliere, 2
33036 Mereto di Tomba (UD) Italy
Number REA UD - 296214
Date of entry in the
Business Register of UDINE: 01/07/2017
Registration number: 02895910301
Share capital euro 3.000.000