The production system around the world is facing a new imperative: to contribute to a progress that is in line with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals defined in the 2030 Agenda, a document signed by the governments of the 193 member countries of the United Nations and approved by the UN General Assembly.
Biofarma Group fully embraces this challenge. Since its foundation, it has oriented its strategies towards a development model that combines economic objectives with attention to social and environmental aspects.
According to Germano Scarpa, Chairman of the Group, in fact "There is a need for companies that know how to create a culture of sustainability, basing it on a well-defined value asset, acting with virtuous, replicable and transmissible behaviours, to cooperate with the respect necessary to generate that Value that surpasses the value of business, and that allows us to make a difference, leaving a tangible imprint, today and in our future, for us and for our children."
Over the past year, Biofarma Group has formalised this approach with a structured path aimed at defining and developing sustainability policies and initiatives within the Group: “For a company as committed to innovation as Biofarma Group, this is a cultural change that is not only necessary but also desired, considering the deep connection between technologies and environmental protection.” says CEO Gianfranco Nazzi.
The project is reflected in the recently published Sustainability Report 2022, which this year marks the second consecutive year of reporting and in which the Group sets out its strategic vision through the Sustainability Plan 2023-2025, which is based on 5 pillars: Energy & Emissions Management, Waste Management, Recyclability & Reduction, Corporate Governance & Compliance, Stakeholder Engagement, Economic Performance. For each of these pillars are planned projects, objectives, targets and deadlines.
In particular, the Strategic Plan represents Biofarma's vision of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance), responds in a concrete way to the UN 2030 Agenda's definition of the Sustainable Development Goals, or SDGs, and involves not only the company's top management, but also the entire company population, customers, the supply chain and all other stakeholders.
Its formalisation serves as a guide for the identification of coordination milestones between the core business and the SDG's, which are none other than the cornerstones of sustainable development.
Furthermore, the Strategic Plan, in addition to communicating the Company's main objectives, which in turn are translated into ESG initiatives, represents a tool to facilitate the functions of control, analysis of deviations and, above all, improvement and adaptability to the changing economic, social, regulatory and environmental conditions that characterise all markets.
All this is set out in a 171-page document, testifying to Biofarma Group's commitment to realising its vision to the full: to be the first to design a future where innovation is at the service of people's well-being in all its dimensions.