Our group has embarked on a path of corporate streamlining with the aim of responding quickly to the challenges of the market by making business relations with all our partners more efficient and effective. For this purpose, we are finalising the integration of the group company Nutrilinea Srl into the Biofarma Srl corporate structure.
We are delighted to inform you that, from a strictly operational point of view, the following flows will definitively come into effect as of 1 January 2024:
Accounts receivable will be issued in the name of Biofarma Srl for productions carried out on all Italian manufacturing sites of the group (Mereto di Tomba, Gallarate, Cusano Milanino e San Pietro Viminario)
Accounts payable are to be issued in the name of Biofarma Srl also for deliveries on all Italian production sites of the group (Mereto di Tomba, Gallarate, Cusano Milanino e San Pietro Viminario)
Purchase orders for the requirements of the group Italian production sites have to be issued in the name of Biofarma Srl but indicating as destination of the goods and/or service the name of the plant receiving the service (kindly indicate one between Mereto di Tomba, Gallarate, Cusano Milanino and San Pietro Viminario)
The legal entity Biofarma Srl takes over all rights and duties of Nutrilinea Srl
For the time being, the bank terms for financial transactions remain the same as in the relations with Biofarma srl and Nutrilinea srl before the merger
The incorporation into a single company, which will formally take effect on 1 January 2024, will simplify and improve the dialogue with our partners by offering a unique contact point for all corporate, administrative, commercial and industrial issues.
As usual, our organisation remains at your complete disposal to provide any clarifications and further details.
Morris Maracin