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R&D Innovation

Nurturing a fertile and reliable global circulation of technical and scientific knowledge is one of the Biofarma Group's fundamental objectives.

This is why, through R&D Innovation, we share innovative projects, collaborations and partnerships with research centres and universities. A space dedicated to the ideas and projects of our researchers, which every day enable us to anticipate and realise our customers' daily challenges.

Sun protection
23_07_2024 // R&D Innovation

Sun protection: how a sun care product is created at Biofarma Group

28_06_2024 // R&D Innovation

Nutrigenomics: the future of healthy living

Active ageing: a product by Biofarma Group
31_05_2024 // R&D Innovation

Active ageing: a product to support healthy ageing from Biofarma Group

Sleep disorders: person sleeping
15_11_2023 // R&D Innovation

Sleep disorders: improving the quality of rest with a supplement

Person suffering from the symptoms of dyspepsia
29_08_2023 // R&D Innovation

Dyspepsia: from Biofarma Group two products to combat digestive difficulties

Person suffering from the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome
26_06_2023 // R&D Innovation

Irritable bowel syndrome: Biofarma Group promotes a preclinical study on an anti-inflammatory nutraceutical

29_05_2023 // R&D Innovation

Bacterial prostatitis: a study by Biofarma Group demonstrates the anti-inflammatory power of a nutraceutical

Image showing some women, target of Respecta product against vaginal dysbiosis
29_05_2023 // R&D Innovation

Vaginal dysbiosis: from Biofarma Group, a product for the health of the microbiota

23_05_2023 // R&D Innovation

Supplements for the immune system: the nutraceutical to support the body

Integratori per la menopausa: donna con le braccia sollevate
22_03_2023 // R&D Innovation

Supplements for menopause: Biofarma Group’s R&D laboratories to support women’s well-being

Osteoartrite: persona con dolore al ginocchio
27_02_2023 // R&D Innovation

Osteoarthritis: among the infiltrative therapies, Biofarma Group patents the Vijoint HCC device

Prediabete: medico che misura la glicemia a un paziente
03_02_2023 // R&D Innovation

Prediabetes: Biofarma Group’s proposal to maintain normal blood glucose levels black

Integratori per l'umore: ragazza che si tocca il viso
25_01_2023 // R&D Innovation

Mood supplements: taking care of mental well-being

Malattie cardiovascolari: ragazza che corre
28_12_2022 // R&D Innovation

Cardiovascular disease: a clinically proven supplement for cardiac support

Osteoporosi: rappresentazione ossa malate
14_12_2022 // R&D Innovation

Osteoporosis: two nutraceutical products from Biofarma Group to support “aging well”

Cannabis e ansia: pianta di cannabis
25_11_2022 // R&D Innovation

Cannabis and anxiety: hemp for the main active ingredient of a supplement

Disturbi cognitivi: illustrazione del cervello
17_11_2022 // R&D Innovation

Cognitive disorders: nutraceuticals to support memory and attention

21_10_2022 // R&D Innovation

Hyperuricemia: a nutraceutical can help fight it

Pre-ipertensione: grafica con cuore e battito cardiaco
06_10_2022 // R&D Innovation

Pre-hypertension: from Biofarma Group an innovative nutraceutical solution to counteract it

28_07_2022 // R&D Innovation

UTIs: Nutraceutical Business Review interviews Dr. De Seta, a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology

30_05_2022 // R&D Innovation

Zeolite: from a study by Biofarma Group and the University of Udine, an innovative application for skincare

04_04_2022 // R&D Innovation

Oral hygiene: the future is solid oral care

29_11_2021 // R&D Innovation

Urinary Tract Infections: a clinically validated dietary supplement for uncomplicated infections relief is born in IHS’s R&D labs

30_08_2021 // R&D Innovation

Less is more: the new frontiers of simple and sustainable Health & Beauty Care

14_09_2020 // R&D Innovation

How a clinically validated supplement is tackling rising cases of pre-depression

© Biofarma Srl C.F. and P.IVA 02895910301
T. +39 0432 868711 F. +39 0432 868018
Via Castelliere, 2
33036 Mereto di Tomba (UD) Italy
Number REA UD - 296214
Date of entry in the
Business Register of UDINE: 01/07/2017
Registration number: 02895910301
Share capital euro 3.000.000